Since picking up a really nice Pentacon Six for $150, I discovered that lenses for it cost about $300 apiece on the used market, which for me is a little dear.
I already had a pretty complete set of lenses for a Kalimar 6x6 SLR, so it was a lot cheaper and a little easier to make an adapter than to obtain all of the beautiful Zeiss lenses (although I do now have one of the nicest of all: a 180/2.8 Sonnar, obtained in the spring of 2005 for -- get this -- $5 plus postage!! It was something of a basket case, and after rebuilding it now has a manual diaphragm.... but it's still Sonnar optics, and that much more fun for having assembled it myself! Thanks Mike!!!)
Here's a working sketch of the adapter, machined from 3/8" aluminum stock. If you don't have a lathe at home, it shouldn't be too big of a job for a machinist friend or a local machine shop.
At the top, the adapter in the Pentacon body; below, the adapter on a 52mm Kalimar wide angle lens; and at the bottom, the whole thing together. The Kalimar camera is to the left.